Wei W.

拥有在世界500强企业超过15年的研发尖端产品并把产品推向市场的经验, 近年来致力于医疗器械创新创业,现任自创企业COO。 擅长领域:Entrepreneurship, Design/Development of Medical Devices, Project management As someone who took the typical path of coming to the United States to further my study and pursue a career of my own, I am passionate about the opportunity to work with young people and help them succeed in their career pursuit.

Dr. Dongping L.

中国最大的医疗仪器上市公司深圳迈瑞生物医疗电子副总裁,首席科学家 精通医疗器械知识产权保护、心脏心电图分析,发明自动体外心脏去颤器 国家“千人”北京市特聘专家;中国国家技术支撑计划项目专家;深圳“孔雀计划”项目专家;通和资本投资合伙人;华南国际经济贸易仲裁委员会仲裁员;美国多家医疗设备上市公司首席技术官、首席软件架构师、高级软件工程师。