高盛 VS Facebook?对刚毕业留学生更友好的职场领域是哪个?

May 28, 2020

高盛 VS Facebook?对刚毕业留学生更友好的职场领域是哪个?

在美求职是多少留学生一定要闯过的关卡。我在我的求职路上,拥有两段求职成功的经历。第一段是毕业后在高盛做的risk quantitative analyst,第二段则是在工作一段时间之后因为某些原因跳到了facebook做DS(数据分析)。



高盛-工作内容 VS FB-工作内容

虽然说公司和行业是完全不相干的两个领域,但我在GS和FB都做的和data analytics相关的职位。

在高盛是risk部门做quant,主要对公司的各种金融产品的liquidity risk进行modeling,和前辈讨论并且调试model。还有就是每天/周根据model的结果出分析报告,并和业务部门沟通分析结果。

在FB是运用数据分析来为engineer提供insight,驱动产品的变更(比如size impact,做实验分析等等),还有当team metrics发生变动时进行root cause analysis,总结来说就是帮助team从数据上找到direction,为decision making提供建议。


因为day to day work都是要进行数据分析,所以technical方面都是经典要求SQL, Python/R, Tableau,还有需要扎实的数学和统计知识。

高盛-公司新人文化 VS FB-公司新人文化

两份工作,高盛和FB相比回想来看,我会觉得对于应届生来说, FB的要求其实更高。

举例来说GS(只针对中后台)看待new analyst就像一张白纸(我们组里有很多完全没学过金融的new analyst),入职以后会参加数不完的training,无论是公司职业level的还是组里工作的,我入职后的感受就像是进入了另一个“学校”,印象很深的是就连记meeting note都有培训。



FB更强调ownership,通常老板在你ramp up的时候只会给你讲组里的主要工作,希望你负责的workstream,然后你的close worker都是谁,帮你搭建好关系,剩下的所有都需要自己完成!

这里包括从哪里开始学习现有结果,哪里开始入手自己的分析,怎么和close worker一起完成工作全部都是你自己决定。


当你不会或者不能确定你的分析是否准确时,需要你自己想办法验证,或者自己寻找best person寻求帮助。


高盛 VS Facebook?对刚毕业留学生更友好的职场领域是哪个?

At MentorX, you will learn the latest industry topics and trends across various fields (IT, Finance, Accounting, Consulting, STEM, etc).

  • Our Webinar Series invite industry experts, mentors, recruiting managers, and peers to share with you the skills you need to land your dream job in the U.S.
  • Our exclusive EMM (Elite-Meet-Mentors) series connect students with professionals through in person networking events and games.
Together we engaged over 100,000 students that benefits with our resources and mentorship.

Mentor X overview:

Founded in 2015 by a successful Silicon Valley entrepreneur and seasoned industry veteran, Dr. Cliff Ma, MentorX Corporation is headquartered in Irvine, California and has branch offices in Silicon Valley, Seattle, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Qingdao. MentorX provides online 1-on-1 career coaching and intern/full-time placement service to college students.  MentorX’s solution fills the gap between universities and industries. Our solutions are designed to enable students and young professionals to build their career and secure the jobs they desire.MentorX has developed AI technologies to provide three essential services to college students and young professionals in the US, talent development, talent placement and talent management.  Our mission is to incubate more international talents and entrepreneurs for the globalized planet.

What Can We do for You?

- Currently we have many top-notch students who are ready to contribute and put their skills to work. Their expertise ranges from computer programming, electrical and mechanical engineering, finance, accounting, data engineering, business analysis, marketing, and advertising etc.

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- We also provide job-ready graduates for full-time positions. Many of them are from top-notch schools with MS or BS degrees, such as Stanford, Caltech, Yale, Cornell, Brown, CMU, UC Berkeley, UCLA, UCSD, UW, NYU, etc.

- We don’t charge employers fees for 2019 graduates and interns.