
November 18, 2019


2019年11月16日,蔓藤教育与兴业银行联合撰写的《2019中国留学生美国就业白皮书》(White Paper on Career Development of Chinese Students in the United States 2019)重磅发布,吸引了众多行业人员和家长、学生的热烈关注,得到了发布会参会人员的一致认可,现场1000本白皮书一扫而空。


















在申请软件工程师的留学生中,我们可以大致按学生水平分成两个level:Top 20%的学生基本上是希望进入一线大厂;另外80%的学生主要是进入中小型公司居多。所以我们在对比学生水平与企业需求的时候,用Top 20%的学生能力对比一线大厂的需求。但是对一些方向的差距分析同样适用与其他学生。

Top 20%的学生申请软件工程师通常都知道算法和数据结构的重要性,而且现在网上有非常多的算法刷题资源,大部分学生只要用心,并且时间功夫做到,一般在这个方向上都可以做到准备充分。




Mentor X overview:

Founded in 2015 by a successful Silicon Valley entrepreneur and seasoned industry veteran, Dr. Cliff Ma, MentorX Corporation is headquartered in Irvine, California and has branch offices in Silicon Valley, Seattle, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Qingdao. MentorX provides online 1-on-1 career coaching and intern/full-time placement service to college students.  MentorX’s solution fills the gap between universities and industries. Our solutions are designed to enable students and young professionals to build their career and secure the jobs they desire.MentorX has developed AI technologies to provide three essential services to college students and young professionals in the US, talent development, talent placement and talent management.  Our mission is to incubate more international talents and entrepreneurs for the globalized planet.

What Can We do for You?

- Currently we have many top-notch students who are ready to contribute and put their skills to work. Their expertise ranges from computer programming, electrical and mechanical engineering, finance, accounting, data engineering, business analysis, marketing, and advertising etc.

- We provide well-trained 2019 summer interns. Many of them accept minimum wage or un-paid positions for gaining their first professional work experience. They can also become your future hires with minimum risks.

- We also provide job-ready graduates for full-time positions. Many of them are from top-notch schools with MS or BS degrees, such as Stanford, Caltech, Yale, Cornell, Brown, CMU, UC Berkeley, UCLA, UCSD, UW, NYU, etc.

- We don’t charge employers fees for 2019 graduates and interns.