PwC导师:来说说四大的target school到底有哪些?

June 25, 2020

PwC导师:来说说四大的target school到底有哪些?

传说中的“target school”到底有哪几所有?我在这举例一些我比较清楚的学校和情况。校友的力量在有一些情况下会比你想象得更重一些,各大公司确实存在因为manager或团队里大部分人都是同一个学校毕业而对前来应聘的校友会有更深的印象。




四大的target school 具体有哪些呢?


分部的地理位置不同也会有当地的不同的target School学校比如:美国西海岸的UCLA 、USC、 UC 伯克利、西雅图华盛顿大学也是。


如果也有以上没提到的target school,非常欢迎大家在评论区补充。

至于target school的学生除了能让招聘官和未来同事对你多一点好感度之外具体有哪些“优惠政策”?

相信大家如果看过上一篇文章会有所印象,四大会时不时来这些学校做一些活动,你可以直接接触到招聘官、manager或者是公司的一些领导,可以去一些alumni grab coffee chat,这会是一个很有效的途径来搭建与他们的network。同时还能更提前且详细得知道一些公司和岗位招聘信息。

还有一个非常非常“实惠”的政策,如果你是四大target school的学生你可以直接通过学校内网提交简历申请岗位,投递的窗口不一样意味着你的特殊性,也更容易被招聘官看见。

当然了,对于 non target school 的同学也完全可以自己在官网申请岗位,target school的学生在各大企业逐年积累的文化中确实占了一些便宜,但无论走到哪里还是个人的技能水平为必胜法宝。


对于四大一部内部招聘的规则今天就和大家讲到这里,如果想要了解你的dream company内部不同的项目组和具体分工的区别、业务线之间的框架等等更多详细的内容也欢迎大家通过小蔓来找到我。



PwC导师:来说说四大的target school到底有哪些?

At MentorX, you will learn the latest industry topics and trends across various fields (IT, Finance, Accounting, Consulting, STEM, etc).

  • Our Webinar Series invite industry experts, mentors, recruiting managers, and peers to share with you the skills you need to land your dream job in the U.S.
  • Our exclusive EMM (Elite-Meet-Mentors) series connect students with professionals through in person networking events and games.
Together we engaged over 100,000 students that benefits with our resources and mentorship.

Mentor X overview:

Founded in 2015 by a successful Silicon Valley entrepreneur and seasoned industry veteran, Dr. Cliff Ma, MentorX Corporation is headquartered in Irvine, California and has branch offices in Silicon Valley, Seattle, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Qingdao. MentorX provides online 1-on-1 career coaching and intern/full-time placement service to college students.  MentorX’s solution fills the gap between universities and industries. Our solutions are designed to enable students and young professionals to build their career and secure the jobs they desire.MentorX has developed AI technologies to provide three essential services to college students and young professionals in the US, talent development, talent placement and talent management.  Our mission is to incubate more international talents and entrepreneurs for the globalized planet.

What Can We do for You?

- Currently we have many top-notch students who are ready to contribute and put their skills to work. Their expertise ranges from computer programming, electrical and mechanical engineering, finance, accounting, data engineering, business analysis, marketing, and advertising etc.

- We provide well-trained 2019 summer interns. Many of them accept minimum wage or un-paid positions for gaining their first professional work experience. They can also become your future hires with minimum risks.

- We also provide job-ready graduates for full-time positions. Many of them are from top-notch schools with MS or BS degrees, such as Stanford, Caltech, Yale, Cornell, Brown, CMU, UC Berkeley, UCLA, UCSD, UW, NYU, etc.

- We don’t charge employers fees for 2019 graduates and interns.