
July 15, 2020

成功案例 | 口语不好基础不过关?蔓藤大厂导师手把手带领你叩开美国企业大门!


  • 学校:  Worcester Polytechnic Institute
  • 专业: 数据科学
  • Offer: ​ 2020年暑假实习offer

Offer 截图



所以顾问老师第一时间了解到学生情况后,为学生匹配,对machine Learning有丰富经验的K导师帮助学生进行有计划的面试辅导培训和专业指导。

K导师首先带领学生进行了全面的数据行业行情分析,根据学生自身情况为学生分析今后职业目标;其次导师系统性地为学生进行总体面试辅导以及模拟面试指导,提出学生需要在硬性技能上,SQL和Python上面试加强练习,并且制定好课后学习目标和规划;然后导师根据跟学生的沟通结果为学生进行简历精修打磨,着重突出学生项目课程部分亮点;最后根据学生兴趣所在,为学生讲解object detection project的具体内容以及操作方法,提高学生在专业领域内的竞争力。


其间,学生还拿到过Rebellion Research的offer,但出于多方面考虑学生并没有选择这个offer。

这也给实习组无形中增加了压力,实习组老师积极为学生争取面试机会,学生通过接下来一步一步的面试,终于拿到Quantum Thought公司Offer。


  • K导师
    谷歌资深高级工程师 AI专家

成功案例 | 我们是如何在一个月内拿到暑期实习offer的?



成功案例 | 口语不好基础不过关?蔓藤大厂导师手把手带领你叩开美国企业大门!

At MentorX, you will learn the latest industry topics and trends across various fields (IT, Finance, Accounting, Consulting, STEM, etc).
  • Our Webinar Series invite industry experts, mentors, recruiting managers, and peers to share with you the skills you need to land your dream job in the U.S.
  • Our exclusive EMM (Elite-Meet-Mentors) series connect students with professionals through in person networking events and games.
Together we engaged over 100,000 students that benefits with our resources and mentorship.

Mentor X overview:

Founded in 2015 by a successful Silicon Valley entrepreneur and seasoned industry veteran, Dr. Cliff Ma, MentorX Corporation is headquartered in Irvine, California and has branch offices in Silicon Valley, Seattle, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Qingdao. MentorX provides online 1-on-1 career coaching and intern/full-time placement service to college students.  MentorX’s solution fills the gap between universities and industries. Our solutions are designed to enable students and young professionals to build their career and secure the jobs they desire.MentorX has developed AI technologies to provide three essential services to college students and young professionals in the US, talent development, talent placement and talent management.  Our mission is to incubate more international talents and entrepreneurs for the globalized planet.

What Can We do for You?

- Currently we have many top-notch students who are ready to contribute and put their skills to work. Their expertise ranges from computer programming, electrical and mechanical engineering, finance, accounting, data engineering, business analysis, marketing, and advertising etc.

- We provide well-trained 2019 summer interns. Many of them accept minimum wage or un-paid positions for gaining their first professional work experience. They can also become your future hires with minimum risks.

- We also provide job-ready graduates for full-time positions. Many of them are from top-notch schools with MS or BS degrees, such as Stanford, Caltech, Yale, Cornell, Brown, CMU, UC Berkeley, UCLA, UCSD, UW, NYU, etc.

- We don’t charge employers fees for 2019 graduates and interns.

成功案例 | 口语不好基础不过关?蔓藤大厂导师手把手带领你叩开美国企业大门!