Mentor R.

美国顶级金融机构数据科学家 机器学习和深度学习在金融大数据和电子商务应用资深专家 特别是风控和欺诈监测领域 精通Python, machine learning,自然语言处理NLP, 大数据处理和分析…

Mentor T.

Currently working for a fast growing SaaS company in the Silicon Valley, focusing on SaaS and the technology industry 4 years of experience in startup companies and 2+ years of…

Priscilla Z.

Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Cal Poly Pomona. Specializes in Higher Education, Engineering Education, and Biofuel, Renewable Energy, MEMS Ph.D project gained two US patents. Invited to speak at various academic…

Wei W.

拥有在世界500强企业超过15年的研发尖端产品并把产品推向市场的经验, 近年来致力于医疗器械创新创业,现任自创企业COO。 擅长领域:Entrepreneurship, Design/Development of Medical Devices, Project management As someone who took the typical path of coming to the United States to further my study and pursue a career…

Dr. Wei X.

现任Western Digital Sr. Principal Engineer 近十年电子工程领域工作经验 精通C/C++, Matlab/Simulink, Linux, SQL, shell, Python, Perl and Java. ARM Cortex architecture. hardware protocols UART, SPI, JTAG…

Mentor K.

曾任TSMC副总裁,市场部总监 曾任Xerox工程经理,Elite Hi Tech Inc.总裁 University of Southern California的电子工程讲师 参与创办Magma Design Automation, 曾任亚洲区高级市场总监 精通半导体技术。 在Algorithms,FPGA,Analog & Mixed Signal,Electronics,Embedded Systems等方向造诣极深,并拥有相关专利…

Mentor N.

…a popular meetup – Influence Others ( – where he advocates entrepreneurs take advantage of recent advances in Neural Science, Evolutionary Psychology & Behavioral Economics to improve two skills vital…

Dr. M.

现任AOL Senior Security Engineer 曾就职于Oracle硅谷总部 超过10年的信息安全科研,产品开发,和咨询经验 江苏省盐城中学海外校友会会长,拥有强大的人脉资源…

Mentor W.

就职于美国最大的无线电通信技术研发公司,全球二十大半导体公司之一 擅长领域:Embedded Systems, DSP software, application engineering 有丰富的SDET – SDE – Senior AE 经验…

Mentor B.

5 years’ experience in ERP industry in North America and 4 years in China which includes Oracle Siebel CRM/SAP CRM and SD/Salesforce including 11 full-cycle IT consulting projects experience. Successfully…